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Greenhouse Construction has begun!

The long-awaited construction of the T or C Earth Battery greenhouse has begun. After raising $25,000 for the excavation the selection of a contractor took over four months. We decided to use a local construction company, which limited the number of candidates. A call went out on local Facebook community pages, and Chicks Dig It of Elephant Butte bid on the job.

We were conceived in February 2020, just before the COVID pandemic surged in the U.S., which shut down community gatherings. So, fundraising has taken far longer than anticipated.

Our non-profit Geo-Thermal greenhouse was designed in Alliance, Nebraska by Greenhouse in the Snow. It works using high-speed fans blowing moderate-temperature air from underground instead of burning carbon-based fuel. The 78-foot-long greenhouse uses Lexan and Steel for the roof and south wall, and 3000 feet of 4” tubes buried 6 feet in the ground for the heating and cooling.

Final Funds Needed to Complete.

Local residents and their families have raised over $32,000 for the lot and major materials. A philanthropist donated $25,000 for the excavation. All that remains is the $12,900 to complete the interior wiring, walls, insulation, 4’ retaining wall materials,

steel doors, and the entrance ramp.

Watch for our Spring fundraising 

banquet and silent auction to place us over the top.

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Community Growing Together Farmer’s Market Food Production Report

Our plant starts are grown in our storefront at 614 McAdoo Street Suite B, in the rear of Maker’s Mart. Retired master gardener Lucille Zimmerman grows the greens in our raised beds at 1705 Corzine in T or C available at Sierra County Farmer’s Market at Ralph Edwards Park.

• We have provided  in the last three seasons 300 pounds of greens, and close to seventy pounds of organic sweet potatoes while planning and raising funds for the Earth Battery geothermal


• We will continue to have some plant starts available now thru October at our storefront and the Sierra County Farmers Market.


Fundraising Corner Thank You!

Without your support, none of what we are doing to begin to produce year-round organic vegetables would be possible. A healthy county begins with healthy food

for healthy children. We are now in the final phase of erecting the sustainable greenhouse at 1705 Corzine St. (off Morgan) in T or C. 


Please make a tax-deductible donation to complete our greenhouse.


If you have any questions, please call us at 575-894-2333. Thank you, David Amin Dawdy, Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

People Growing Together is 501.c.3.non-profit

(IRS Rules) Please make your checks payable to PGT

Federal E.I.N. 47-4311602.

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People Growing Together © 2022 

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