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We care deeply about the families in our community. We have seen what happens when the supply lines do not function. If the last couple of years has taught us anything, it is that we are all in this together in our rural county.


Quite bluntly, there are no instant fixes to the challenges we all face. We can meet these challenges only with encouragement, engagement, and education.


Your generous contribution will make a difference in realizing our People Growing Together initiatives!


Youth Growing Together (YGT):

Hot Springs High School (HSHS) “Garden to Cafeteria Program” - This summer we are building a dozen raised-bed gardens under shade cloth built on the existing HSHS Greenhouse framework. We have donated hundreds of tomato plants now growing there for a fall semester harvest, even as we plan for seasonal cooler-growth crops.


Economic Development:

Your donation and the donations of scores of other Sierra County families committed to food security and economic development will allow us to build the Corzine Street Greenhouse!


We plan to employ young adult graduates trained in HSHS classes on plant science and greenhouses. With each donation, you will leave a lasting legacy of health and abundance for the future of Sierra County. 

People Growing Together © 2022 

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